For Reading Students

This post is for my Reading 100 students.

Maybe your questions are: "Abby, what can I do to continue learning English?" Or, "What can I do to improve my reading?"

There are many ways that you can work to improve your reading.  Even during summer vacation!  Here is my advice: 

1. Continue to read stories.  

If you did not finish reading Give Us the Money or Flying Home, finish those!  If you want to find new stories, get an App called "How Good is your English."  This app will help you to find the right book.  You can read more stories on your phone, iPad, or you can buy them on the Internet.  Here is a short video that will explain more about the stories.

2. Read the news.

We used the readings from News in Levels in class at times.  I think almost every student liked this news article about criminals who steal wallets or phones.  They come in different levels--some are easy and some are hard.  Try to read one article every day.  Listen to the news as you read, and answer the questions.

3. Practice sounds and spelling.

Because you don't have pronunciation class, you need to remember sounds and how they match with letters.  There are some apps that can help you with this.  Hooked on Phonics is made for English speaking children, but I think it can really help you too! Spelling City has a lot of games that can help you to practice your spelling.

4. Continue to learn words!

Use your picture dictionary.  Learn and study words that you do not know and that are interesting to you.  You can make flashcards for your favorite words.  Use Quizlet to make flashcards and then share them with friends.  If you want to practice like we did in class, use the Picture Dictionary Practice.

5. Review what we learned in class.

You can always go back and watch parts of Reading 100 again.  How much easier is everything now?  

If you have any questions about reading or English, you can always find me on Twitter.  Keep up the great work!