Documenting student results using pre-tests & post-tests
/ZhaoHong Han, my Second Language Acquisition professor at Teachers College, was the first teacher I ever had that showed data to support her students' progress over the course semester. It made a lasting impression on me, and since then, I've tried to do the same with my students.
At the beginning of the term in my Reading 100 class, I give pre-tests for both reading and vocabulary. During the last week of the semester, students take the same test again. Then, after the results are scored, I give them the results of the whole class and show the students' individual progress (anonymously, of course). This is pretty easy to set-up in an excel spreadsheet to make a simple graph to display. Students are always so pleased to see evidence of their learning. I make a big deal of it and make sure to acknowledge their hard work. I also emphasize how the small score increases are actually quite significant. (And they are--the test is quite difficult).
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